Famous Last Words - The final post

This week's reading was a free read weekend. Partly for ease of not having to go the library and also to try something new I watched the free online video. I found these videos somewhat challenging because they were not simply telling a story. They told some facts about the origin of the story and also how they related to other stories such as Greek mythology. Overall this class has pushed my boundaries with writing creatively. Most of my writing in college has always been educational in manner with no room for creativity or writing an actual story. I have never been the type of person that wants to sit down and write and story and I was surprised how easily many of the ideas came to me for the assignments. I loved being able to write a story based on an Indian tale and then read someone else's interpretation of that same story. I noticed that one of the favorite stories to write about seemed to be the "chicken little" type story. The story about the sky falling and e...