Week 11 Reading Krishna Video B

Brahma wanted to test Krishna's divine power because he was too kind and shared his food. Brahma stole the cows for a year but Krishna created them from his own self. This proved his divinity so he returned the original cows to the village. Krishna's older brother wished to be strong enough to punch and kill the bull. Krishna told his brother that was not a good deed because this bull was the breeder for all of the cows. This bull was mean but Krishna spent a month getting to know him and played the flute for him. After that month he rode the bull and everyone was shocked. He was able to calm the bull and everyone realized that kindness was stronger than violence. Krishna wanted to marry rhada but his mother did not approve. He found that his desitny was not to marry her even though he loved her so. He found out that his parents were not his birth parents and he was the savior of dharma. He left his village to fulfill his destiny and face Akurur who had sent attacks on him ma...