Reading Notes- Gauri's Secret

Kali is nature and Gauri is culture where not only the fit thrive but the unfit may also. In the Puranas men and women are used to explain the relationship between mind and the world around. It is important not to think of the stories as man and woman but as mind over matter. Do not think of them physically but symbolically. Yoga-maya is perceived reality filtered through the human mind. Shiva is the destroyer of culture because he withdraws completely from nature. His mind is completely clean and pure void of thoughts. Shiva's seed gives rise to six boys from the six star goddesses. The six headed skanda is made by fusing all the children together. Shiva is immortal so does not need to bare children because he will never need to be reborn. Parvati wants a child that shiva will not give her so she creates a child without a man. The child is beheaded but when realized that it was her child he replaced the head with the elephants head. The god who removes obstacles is what that child will grow up to be.
Shiva and Parvati Source: Wikipedia 

Title: Seven Secrets of the Goddess
Author: Devdutt Pattanaik
Year: 2016


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