
Showing posts from August, 2019

Week 2 story

Source:  Ellsworth Young Newest version of this story located at: The summer had been like no other. The reflection of the water shone as the blazing sun, gradually heated up the shallow waters of the lake. A small quaint lake filled with a population of ordinary fish stood idle from the nearby lush environment. Along with the fish lived a single crab who kept to himself and lived in the rocks as an observer of the lake. He saw daily interactions and each day noticed the tide revealed more earth than water and the temperature slowly increased throughout the summer. As the heat increased the depth decreased, shadows overhead of nearby cranes became a regular occurrence. The fish were picked off one by one, and until that day they had the safety of the depths of the lake. On that day the lake had increased to a depth and temperature that worried every fish in the lake, even the crab was dreading what was...

reading notes the crane and crab

The cunning crane and the crab Source:  crane and crab  The Giant Crab, and Other Tales from Old India by W. H. D. Rouse. The plot is focused on the suffering fish living in a depleting water source. The crane thought how he could manipulate the fish so he could have a big meal. One trustworthy fish is taken to the lake not far away that the crane promises to take them all to. As a manipulation of trust the crane takes the wise fish to the new lake and then back to tell the others. All the while the crab in the lake was watching as the crane took each fish to this new promised land. The crab was not so trusting of the crane for he had never seen this new lake. When he is taken to the lake by the crane he sees the bones of all of the fish from the lake. In this moment he knew he had eaten all of the fish instead. The crab had his claw around the neck of the crane so the crane was forced to take the crab to th...

week 2 reading overview

Source:  Indian Epics images Ahalya, wife of Gautama For week three I have chosen to read Narayana's Ramayana. I like the fact that there is an online reading plan to keep me on track. In the past I have read other books that speak in an old style language and I have trouble concentrating. I much prefer to read something that reads like a novel and I think I will take in more of the information rather than reading and not retaining any of the information. The first comic book that caught my interest was "Shiva Parvati: A story of divine love". This comic sounds interesting because the overview has a lot of drama. I think a story like this would keep my attention rather than stories about war or violence. The second comic that caught my attention was "Sukanya: The princess who married a sage". The story seemed interesting from reading the overview as well. Even though the introduction already gave away the ending the story seems like something that ...

time strategies

Time management is something that I have struggled with ever since I started taking college classes again. I have a job, a husband who deploys regularly and two kids all along with a full time college class schedule. My battle with time management comes in waves, some weeks I feel so motivated and accomplished while others I struggle to keep up. The first article I read was " How Checklists Train Your Brain To Be More Productive And Goal-Oriented ". I liked this article because I related to the satisfaction that you get from completing items on a checklist. My struggle is that the small items I put on a list don't give me the satisfaction or motivation if they are far from completing my overall goal. The second article I read was " Four Questions to Help You Overcome Procrastination ". Since procrastination is something I have always struggled with this is an article I really needed to read. This semester to stick to my goals and my schedule I will referen...

Technology Blog

My first impression on reading the technology sources and tools is slightly overwhelming. Most of the sources are all new to me besides the obvious google docs. I am excited to move outside of Canvas to do online work in a class though. Learning new resources out there will benefit me in future classes. This online class is unique to others I have taken that purely use canvas as a resource. My typical resources for a class are the textbook, google scholar and the OU library. The only technology skill I hope to gain is to become a better researcher because I think it is a skill that is very useful and can always be improved upon.  Image created from technology source that will be used in class this semester Source:


Source: This class is very unique to another other online course I have taken in the past. Part of what attracted me to taking this course was the self pace aspect and the fact that you could finish the class early. I have taken one other online course that gave me the option to finish the class early and I found that to be a big motivation to do all extra work possible. I am intrigued by all of the interaction between students on the blogs. I think that most online classes have useless forum posts that people are required to answer. These blog posts will be more creative and in my opinion more interesting to interact with other students in the class. I like the variety of extra credit assignments that are offered and I am curious to see what I can learn from them and what assignments I will make part of my regular weekly work.

Growth Mindset

The growth mindset can be visualized as muscle getting stronger as you challenge you mind to take on tasks that are difficult (source: mindset rules ) Prior to watching these videos I had not heard of the growth mindset in such terms. I have always thought of education in terms of growth and that if you do not challenge yourself you will succeed at a much lower rate. However, the proposition of encouraging young children with the "not yet" concept intrigued me. As an adult in college now I think that challenging myself is a necessity to complete the career goals I have. I admit that taking on challenging classes is not something I do out of the enjoyment of learning. The feeling of completing a difficult class and knowing I overcame the struggles is worth it in the end. When I think about the basis of growth mindset the only aspect of my life I may have put that into place is in the gym. The gym produces physical changes that are visually seen as growth and progres...

Introduction to the college mom

Physical Therapy sessions on Navy active duty in San Diego, Ca ( image source: Wikipedia ) My name is Brianna Pottage and this is my second year at OU. I like to think of myself as a woman of many titles. Mother, wife, student, veteran, baker, cross fitter and home maker. After spending six years in the Navy after high school I decided that I wanted to go back to school to get a degree in health and exercise science. I struggled after high school knowing what I wanted to do for a career and almost decided to go to culinary school. I have always loved to cook but I am happy I did not make that my career. I now can cook in the comfort of my own home without the pressures of working in a professional kitchen. I am from California but because my husband is still in the military we now are living in Oklahoma. I was happy this summer that my family was able to come visit me for a week. We rented a couple condos on grand lake and rented boats to spend time out on the lake. Thi...

storybook favorites

Image The first blog I liked was the "Indra lord of thunder". The introduction really caught my attention because it was written like a movie scene. The introduction was the hook that got me to continue reading the stories in the blog. The layout matched the theme of the story and I liked the picture that was chosen to introduce Indra on the home page. Although I am familiar with Zues and Thor, I have never heard of Indra. I like the creativeness of the introduction and the consistent layout. In my own project I might use the organization technique that was used in this project. The second blog I read was "Ganesha loves his food". I have seen depictions of this god before but don't know anything about him or what his name was. The introduction used a less creative approach however still intrigued me to continue reading. The introduction gave a go...

favorite place

Personal image taken in Kailua Hawaii , 2013. The favorite place I chose is somewhere I lived for three years. This image is one that I took from my bedroom window in Kailua ,Hawaii. I joined the navy in 2011 and I never imagined that choice would lead me to living in one of the most beautiful places I had ever been. Looking back now I wish I had realized how lucky I was to live there. Everyday I would wake up and drive to work with beautiful landscape around me. So many people took their dream vacations to this place and I had the opportunity to live there for three years. Typically on weekends I would go on hikes, go to the beach or walk to the restaurants around my apartment. Someday I would like to take my children back to Hawaii so they can experience all it has to offer. 


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